Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Naboth's Vineyard - Youth Sunday School Lesson on 1 Kings 21

Brief: God is merciful but always punishes sin.

(Printable Student Sheet)

Scripture: 1 Kings 21; Leviticus 25:8-24

Read 1 Kings 21.

Why didn’t Naboth want to sell his land? (See Leviticus 25:8-24.)

Old Testament Law forbade the permanent sale of land in order to prevent poverty.

How does Jezebel wrongly use God’s name to get what she wants?

She had the false accusers say that Naboth had cursed God.

How do people wrongly use God’s name today to get what they want?

People take Scripture out of context to try to prove their point, or they say that God wants them to be happy as an excuse to do something they want to do.

The leaders of the town did as Queen Jezebel commanded instead of doing what they knew God would have wanted them to do. How can we avoid committing the same sin that they did?

We need to remember that God is our ultimate authority and that we must serve Him before any earthly authority.

Why does Elijah say that Ahab murdered a man?

Ahab did not kill Naboth.  The elders and nobles of his town did.  Nor did he order that he be killed.  Jezebel was calling the shots in Naboth’s murder.  This passage, however, shows that because Ahab did nothing to stop the murder, he is just as guilty as everyone else who played a part in Naboth’s death. We need to make sure that we’re speaking up to stop evil, not letting it happen.

What does Elijah mean by saying Ahab sold himself to do evil?

Selling has to do with the exchanging of one thing for another.  Ahab has given up his right relationship with the God of the universe, his dignity as a human, and the respect owed to a king in order to gain a little piece of land for a vegetable garden.  Sin is not worth the price we pay.

Why did God pronounce such a serious punishment on Ahab and Jezebel?

God considers sin to be a very serious matter.  He is not afraid to show His attitude toward sin in equally serious punishments.  The killing of animals in the Old Testament in order to atone for sin is extreme.  The death of Christ in the New Testament to atone for sin is extreme.  There is also probably a desire to make the royal couple an example.  In order to deter others from sin, God shows the very negative effects that sin causes.  

When Ahab humbles himself before God, God delays the punishment He pronounced. What does this teach us about God?

God is merciful, but He always punishes sin. He is showing mercy to Ahab, but still carrying out the punishment for Ahab’s sin. God had mercy on us when He chose Jesus to take our punishment for us.

What evidence is there in this passage of God communicating with people?

Verses 17 and 28 say that the word of the Lord came to Elijah. God wants to communicate with us.

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